What is Medical Acupuncture & Dry Needling?

Medical Acupuncture & Dry Needling

Medical acupuncture is a therapy modality that involves inserting fine sterile needles into various parts of the body and is used primarily to provide pain relief. Unlike traditional acupuncture, medical acupuncture or western acupuncture as it is also known does not follow the concept of Qi. The idea with medical acupuncture is to stimulate the body’s natural healing response by releasing endorphins, relaxing tight muscles and encouraging blood flow to the area in order to help tissue repair.

How effective is it?

Results vary per client – while some respond very well to treatment and notice great improvements post treatment others find no change at all in their symptoms. A lot of clients however report feeling very relaxed post treatment. Acupuncture can often be combined with another treatment modality such as deep tissue massage in order to maximise results. Combining treatments can be discussed with your therapist on initial assessment.

We also offer:

Pregnancy massage, 1 to 1 Strength & conditioning, Post-surgery rehab, Ergonomics advice, Spinal manipulations, Electrotherapy, Heat & Cryotherapy.

Coming soon:

Future techniques and Treatments

Diagnostic ultrasound scanning for injuries

Corticosteroid joint injection