What is rocktape and how does it help?


RockTape is a premium brand of kinesiology tape used by a wide variety of health professionals throughout the world to both prevent and treat injuries and pain. When applied RockTape causes the skin to form wrinkles. This decompresses the tissue immediately below the skin. It is believed that this has three main effects: Fluid effect- improving blood and lymphatic flow in the taped area Mechanical effect- improving the slide and glide between tissue layers Neurological effect- altering the perception of pain and improving body awareness. Here at Rye Valley Physiotherapy we have found Rocktape to be superior to any other brand of kinesio tape that we have tried both in quality and elasticity and unlike others we are RockDoc certified in its application.

Key Benefits Of Using RockTape: Assists to decrease pain, Assists to reduce swelling and bruising, Provides functional support while allowing full range of movement, Hypoallergenic – no zinc oxide or latex, Water resistant – can be worn for up to 5 days.

We also offer:

Pregnancy massage, 1 to 1 Strength & conditioning, Post-surgery rehab, Ergonomics advice, Spinal manipulations, Electrotherapy, Heat & Cryotherapy.

Coming soon:

Future techniques and Treatments

Diagnostic ultrasound scanning for injuries

Corticosteroid joint injection